Asbestos Victims Trust Fund
What are asbestos trust funds.
Asbestos victims trust fund. Asbestos trust fund claims are an important asset to victims and their families but some limits exist. Claimants with life. A mesothelioma attorney can help victims pursue trust fund compensation if they have developed an asbestos caused illness. In order to request financial compensation from a certain asbestos trust fund.
We ve worked with thousands of victims of wrongful asbestos exposure and their families to help them secure compensation from asbestos and mesothelioma trust funds. Asbestos victims and loved ones can file a trust fund claim to receive compensation. Further the trusts award claimants based on what asbestos related disease they were diagnosed with. There are currently 60 active asbestos trust funds in the u s.
Trust fund payments vary widely from one trust to another but billions of dollars are available to people with mesothelioma. Nowadays it is a well known fact that asbestos exposure can cause devastating illnesses including lung cancer and mesothelioma. Asbestos trust funds were established by bankrupt asbestos containing product companies in order to compensate victims of asbestos related diseases. According to a report by rand institute for civil justice victims of asbestos exposure collectively received approximately 3 3 billion from asbestos trust funds in 2008.
What are asbestos trust funds. Each asbestos trust fund is managed by a board of trustees who do not have any connection with the company s executives or staff. At the moment only individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma asbestosis or lung cancer qualify for compensation from asbestos trust funds. Asbestos trust funds pay victims based on a predetermined schedule.
And more than 18 billion has been paid to asbestos victims since the 1980s. This allows the trust to gradually pay victims using the amount of funds in the trust which may increase or decrease depending on the investments. Information sharing and set offs you may decide to take other forms of legal action such as a mesothelioma lawsuit in addition to filing for asbestos bankruptcy trust compensation. Financial assistance can help with a variety of hardships families face after a death or diagnosis.
Asbestos trust funds are funds created to compensate victims of mesothelioma caused by asbestos manufacturers. Financial assistance can help with a variety of hardships families face after a death or diagnosis.